I still can't believe how fast they are evolving, and that within the next 10 years, they will overtake petrol.
However, unless you have solar, and a decent system at that, they will be more expensive than petrol.
This means that instead of buying the standard 6.6kw system, it may be a better idea to go bigger, even if you're not able to export back to the grid above that size.
We have covered this in multiple threads before, and unfortunately, it's not a quick one size fits all situation. But we can give you an idea of what the charging unit's generally cost installed.
For the unit itself, you're looking at around $1500 on average, and the installation usually comes in anywhere from $1000 to $2500. So $4000 should be enough to get you going.
Yes, it's not cheap, but it will be the way of the future very soon.
It's very hard to believe this is the case when many people still believe that solar power itself is part of the tin hat brigade.
